Our NON DG Courses
Hospitality Training for Cruise and Hotels Worldwide

Cruiseline Food & Beverage Service
Our NON DG Courses
Hospitality Training for Cruise and Hotels Worldwide
Who we are
From EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD our graduates are constantly proving themselves to be knowledgeable and committed professionals.

Who we are
From EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD our graduates are constantly proving themselves to be knowledgeable and committed professionals. Since 21 years TCMT has provided cutting-edge, high quality education and training in the field of Maritime resulting in the overwhelming success stories of our graduates.

Benefits of Working on a Ship Post Training at TCMTMSLLP

Great Salaries

Provide a great life for your family

Make lifelong friends worldwide

Visit unique places in the world

Free accommodation, free meals, no tax – great savings

Fast track your career working with professionals

Be promoted faster than a land-based job
Marlins Test
Most ships are operated by multinational crews and shore teams. Effective communication is a mandatory requirement of the IMO STCW Convention, SOLAS, ISM Code and additional international standards to ensure the safety of crews and vessels.
Crew on all ship types require a level of English to meet the competencies of their rank, however, English may be a second or third language for seafarers and communication is often a leading factor in maritime accidents.
The Marlin’s Test is the official english proficiency test for every cruise line in the world, and everyone will be require to take this test if they’re not from an English speaking country like United States, Australia or England. The Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff.
For entry-level crew positions, it’s necessary to achieve at least 65% on the score, while for staff positions the score should be higher than 85%. For Guest Services, Entertainment and Technical positions you should reach at least 95% (if not 100%).

Pailan Park Housing Project, Phase-I Pailan, Kolkata: 700 104

Marlins Test
Most ships are operated by multinational crews and shore teams. Effective communication is a mandatory requirement of the IMO STCW Convention, SOLAS, ISM Code and additional international standards to ensure the safety of crews and vessels.
Crew on all ship types require a level of English to meet the competencies of their rank, however, English may be a second or third language for seafarers and communication is often a leading factor in maritime accidents.
The Marlin’s Test is the official english proficiency test for every cruise line in the world, and everyone will be require to take this test if they’re not from an English speaking country like United States, Australia or England. The Marlins English Language Test for Cruise Ship Staff.
For entry-level crew positions, it’s necessary to achieve at least 65% on the score, while for staff positions the score should be higher than 85%. For Guest Services, Entertainment and Technical positions you should reach at least 95% (if not 100%).
Pailan Park Housing Project, Phase-I Pailan, Kolkata: 700 104
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